Каналы Газы утверждают, что трое террористов были на сцене с израильским оружием под названием «Тавор». ________________________ Хотите знать больше? Подписывайтесь на наш канал: Mignews 👈🏼
Joint IDF and ISA Announcement: The Red Cross has communicated that four Israeli hostages were transferred to them and are on their way toward IDF and ISA forces in the Gaza Strip.
Joint IDF and ISA Announcement: The Four Returning Hostages - Daniella Gilboa, Liri Albag, Naama Levy, and Karina Ariev - Have Crossed Into Israeli Territory With IDF and ISA Forces A short while ago, accompanied by IDF and ISA forces, the four returning hostages crossed the border into Israeli territory. The returning hostages are currently on their way to an initial reception point in southern Israel, where they will be reunited with their parents.