Six weeks ago I stood beneath the dome of this capitol and proclaimed the dawn of the golden age of America. From that moment on it has been nothing but swift and unrelenting action to usher in the greatest and most successful era in the history of our country. We have accomplished more in 43 days than most administrations accomplished in four years or eight years, and we are just getting started."
By the way, I think the speech is going to be great, but I don't know how you do this for 90 minutes,
The hardest thing was doing it during Biden when the speech was a stupid campaign speech,
I asked her if her parents had been alive, did they survive to see her serving as vice president, and she lamented that they had not,
I don’t need to legitimize his lies by being in the room,
Whatever they tariff us, we tariff them. Whatever they tax us, we tax them. If they do non-monetary tariffs to keep us out of their market, then we do non-monetary barriers to keep them out of our market,
If this thing lasts 10 days or more, our costs will be substantially different. We’ll have to come to the table and figure something out,
I think he’s going to figure out, you do more and I’ll meet you in the middle in some way,
We can’t afford to be distracted by meaningless congressional interference. The devastating impacts of the federal job cuts must be our number one concern.”
It’s clear his proposals have driven the region to come to the table rather than allow this issue to devolve into further crisis,
We’re going to do everything we can in unity to push back and to stop the most egregious of things from happening that comes through the legislative process,
You inherited a total mess from the previous administration,
Our country will be woke no longer,
She hears the good, bad and the ugly,
We had a productive conversation, and he reassured me that he will back me up when things are important for me and he agrees with me,
Waste, fraud and abuse. Yes, we all want to get rid of that. But the issue ... are people that are disabled, people that are in nursing homes, people that are working poor, a lot of all these people are wearing red hats,
We just have to be cognizant that if he’s not on the same page, we could risk something being said at any time that sets us back,
Maybe someone will primary him. ... Do we have any takers?”
I hear your man Thom might not be with us,
At the end of year one there’s a scorecard,