Of course, there's oil and gas. We haven't put that on the table yet, guys, we kept that in our game, in our cards, as cards that we could potentially play if this would escalate, and the U.S. knows that,
We’re importing about 3 million barrels of Canadian crude a day to the Midwest and Rocky Mountain region,
Where they are in Canada, the world is their oyster,
I won't sugar coat it. This is going to be tough,
It will disproportionately affect the less fortunate economically,
If the tariffs are sustained indefinitely, it would almost wipe out two years' worth of economic growth,
We are at an inflection point,
And that'll cascade down in the supply chain. So some will be able to survive a little longer than others, but 25% across the board is in the realm of being catastrophic for the auto industry as a whole,
We expect our vendors across our entire assortment will pass along some level of tariff costs to retailers, making price increases for American consumers highly likely,
Trying to exert maximum pressure on China is a miscalculation and a mistake,
I think we're going to get it. One way or another, we're going to get it,
No matter how long this lasts, no matter what the cost, the federal government and other orders of government will be there for you,
The short-term effect of any tariff clearly is inflation,
This is an enormous hit to American producers,
I terminated the ridiculous green new scam,
We will use every tool at our disposal so Canadian workers and businesses can weather this storm, from expanding (employment) benefits and making them more flexible to providing direct supports to businesses,
We didn't give it to China, we gave it to Panama. We're taking it back."
They chose not to come,
Also withdrew from the corrupt World Health Organization. Ended the last administration's insane electric-vehicle mandate,
For just this one night, why not join us?"