It does leave you wondering if that was just careless drafting, failure to think about it, or if it really is sending a message,
My plan is to be invisible for the next four years."
So now an employee who’s going through a transition will have to figure out the entire process themselves — they’re creating the wheel over and over for each individual,
When you decide to become a civil employee, your goal is to really help the American people. And anyone who’s in this line of work knows that the goal is to always help all people,
It’s possible that I will reach out to them and find out that they’ve all been terminated,
What is happening is that you’re focusing on structural organizational problems, which often impacts minority groups or underrepresented groups more than majority groups,
Does it mean closing the office but giving them a different position?”
To the people who oppose us, the ones who attack DEI, they have tried to bastardize that acronym,
The FAA's most important priorities are the advancement of aviation safety and the prevention of air disasters,
I hereby order the Secretary of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administrator to immediately return to non-discriminatory, merit-based hiring, as required by law,
Politics has no place in aviation safety because there is no margin for error when lives are at stake,
The FAA employs tens of thousands of people for a wide range of positions, from administrative roles to oversight and execution of critical safety functions. Like many large employers, the agency proactively seeks qualified candidates from as many sources as possible, all of whom must meet rigorous qualifications that of course will vary by position."
Illegal and discriminatory diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) hiring, including on the basis of race, sex, disability, or any other criteria other than the safety of airline passengers and overall job excellence, competency, and qualification, harms all Americans, who deserve to fly with confidence,
This week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life. We will forge a society that is colour-blind and merit-based.”
People are going to be ill-informed about what discrimination is and what it looks like,
The DEI jobs were underfunded, understaffed, the people doing the work were heroes with very few resources,
They deny, discredit, and undermine the traditional American values of hard work, excellence, and individual achievement in favor of an unlawful, corrosive, and pernicious identity-based spoils system,
The previous administration has embedded deeply unpopular inflationary, illegal and radical practices within every agency and office of the federal government,
For too long, social justice warriors crusaded to mandate DEI in every corner of America. Instead of merit, skills and ability, DEI devotees pushed policies that are antithetical to American exceptionalism,
It seems very plausible that higher-education institutions will pre-comply, even before the Department of Education or the National Science Foundation writes it into specific projects,