The Sellout of Ukraine Is One of the Most Disgraceful U.S. Foreign-Policy Episodes in Decades
EsquireUS breaks with UN and G7 allies over Ukraine war measures
Financial TimesUS votes against condemning Russia for Ukraine war as Trump admin chases peace deal
Fox NewsKremlin Applauds U.S. Position in UN Resolution on Ukraine Invasion
The Moscow TimesUS aligns with Russia in UN vote on Ukraine
AljazeeraUkraine rupture grows as US sides with Russia at UN
Le MondeArgentina shifts stance on Ukraine in United Nations vote
Buenos Aires TimesU.S. Clashes With European Allies at the U.N. Over Ukraine
The New York TimesIsrael votes against Ukraine at UN General Assembly, alongside US, Russia
The Jerusalem PostU.S. votes against U.N. resolution condemning Russia for Ukraine war
The Washington Post