This is the war that is going on in the shadows,
This sensible club aimed at integration, which used to promote cooperation with Russia, has today definitively turned into a fossilized, aggressive Russophobia bloc, which has staked its energy, economic, social and financial wellbeing on a pointless confrontation with its eastern neighbor,
The EU will remain the U.N.’s reliable partner of choice”
The world is more dangerous now than it has ever been since the Cold War.”
Today, more than ever, it’s clear that the EU is seriously losing in this confrontation,
Washington has become Nero’s court,
I would see perhaps 15,000 to 20,000 European troops, enough to deter, but not so large as to be seen by Moscow as a NATO battle corps,
Who can believe that the Russia of today will stop at Ukraine?”
We were at war with a dictator,
We’ll make a deal, and when the deal is made, I don’t think we talk about security,
It is imperative that the delivery of humanitarian aid is not politicized or conditional. Any and all blockades to delivery of aid at scale must be lifted,
This war can end instantly if Russia -- the only one responsible -- withdraws its troops and stops bombing Ukraine. Russia can stop this war any time -- but it has chosen not to,
We see blatant violations of the UN Charter. We see attempts to replace the rule of law by the rule of force,
Europe has learnt from its own history that giving in to aggressors' demands leads to more violence,
I'd like to call on you to think long and hard about whether the UN needs to engage in dialogue with such a body which itself flagrantly violates human rights,
The EU calls for the respect of international law, international humanitarian law and human rights in every context they are at risk or actively violated. Be it in Gaza, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar, Haiti or Ukraine,