The president was begging the question that I think a jot of journalists in this room should be asking … did the [former] president even know about these pardons? Was his legal signature used without his consent or knowledge?”
You’re a reporter, you should find out.”
I went through four years of hell by the scum that we had to deal with … It’s really hard to say that they shouldn’t have to go through it all,
But none has shown the same symptoms of senility and dementia [as Biden],
The members of the Jan 6 Committee are all proud of our work. Your threats will not intimidate us. Or silence us.”
Did he know what he was doing?”
The notion of an autopen is certainly not going to go anywhere in any court in the United States,
There might be a serious legal question about pardoning without specifying the conduct that you're being pardoned for, right? So the blanket pardon for Hunter Biden ... a blanket pardon might be problematic because it's not clear what you're pardoning somebody for,
The Bush Justice Department looked at this thoroughly and concluded that as long as the President makes the actual decision, he can delegate to secretarial staff the actual signing of the document,
I cannot see the courts rejecting this — it builds on centuries of practice and a long legal tradition of allowing agents to sign on behalf of their principals,
No reasonable lawyer, no reasonable politician would ever say anything like this,
All the awful apartment leases & car leases & loan terms that are now null & void re: DocuSign meets Donald Trump logic,
So, we don't have to pay back any loans for loan contracts we signed with DocuSign. [Yeehaw], good times!"
Bring it on, dude!
He’s trolling Democrats saying Biden’s illegitimate term in power was just an autopen [face with tears of joy emoji],
And so I think it's a question that everybody in this room should be looking into, because certainly that would propose perhaps criminal or illegal behavior if staff members were signing the president of the United States autograph without his consent,
One of the best-kept secrets in Washington: The robot that sits in for the president.”
Our practice around autopen usage is far more restrictive than most previous administrations. We do not use the autopen for documents that exercise the powers of the Presidency,
We will occasionally use the autopen when a single document requires multiple presidential signatures, or when multiple copies of a single document require signing, but only after the President has personally signed off and only at his direction.”
There's no magic in the mechanism of a pardon, ... But that