I think it's going to be great for Ukraine. We're going to be at the site, and we'll be digging. We’ll be dig, dig, digging,
History must be on the side of the peacemaker, not the invader,
It is a deal on strategic minerals, oil and gas and infrastructure assets. And it's really a win-win,
To ensure the safety of all civil aviation flights, temporary restrictions were imposed as of 2.41am (2341 GMT) on operations at Sheremetevo Airport,
If it doesn't happen quickly, it may not happen at all,
The American taxpayers will now effectively be reimbursed for the money and hundreds of billions of dollars poured into helping Ukraine defend itself,
We're going to get along really well,
We’ll be working there. We’ll have a lot of people working and so, in that sense, it’s very good. It’s a backstop, you could say. I don’t think anybody’s going to play around if we’re there with a lot of workers and having to do with rare earths and other things which we need for our country,
You've created a moment of tremendous opportunity to reach a historic peace deal, a deal that I think would be celebrated in Ukraine and around the world. That is the prize,
I honestly can’t imagine anyone in their right mind picking Ukraine as an ally when Russia is the other option,
Oh, yeah, this is definitely the ally we need. Let’s dump all our money into them."
I wanted to have a sentence on security guarantees for Ukraine, and it's important that it's there...If we don't get security guarantees, we won't have a ceasefire, nothing will work, nothing."
And these forces will try to disrupt or compromise the dialogue that has begun,
We understand that not everyone is happy with the resumption of Russian-American contacts. Some Western elites are still determined to maintain instability in the world. And these forces will try to disrupt or compromise the dialogue that has begun. We see this."
I think the Russians want to see the war end, I really do. But I think they have the cards a little bit, because they've taken a lot of territory. So they have the cards."
We share people, we share cultures, we share a lot of intelligence, we share technologies, and ... we also share some of the fighting of our adversaries as well,
The world is becoming ever more dangerous, and it is more important than ever that we are united with our allies,
We're going to do the best we can to make the best deal we can for both sides,
He hasn't conceded anything to anyone,
I think there'll be plenty of of economic cooperation opportunities between the two countries,