We’ve been pretty plain about our [safety] concerns, but it isn’t a good time to speculate right now,
Senator Tim Kaine said Thursday The proposal flies in the face of known safety concerns and known congestion concerns,
Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat, said of the bill last year We have raised this issue continuously. We’ve got very busy airspace. I think we will ask questions, but at the appropriate time.”
Senator Mark Warner issued a similar warning, per CNN You're going to do it to convenience a few dozen members [of Congress] (...) at the expense of everybody who lives around this airport who would potentially be victimized if there was some kind of a collision,
But I think that Jack Potter and his decision to reopen the airport is trying to bring back a sense of normalcy,
he said, referencing the president and CEO of Metropolitcan Washington Airports Authority I was warned and I shouldn't have done this,
he told reporters at the time When you hear an air traffic controller having to shout 'stop, stop' to get two jets trying to use this main runway to stop within 300 feet of each other. This is a flashing, red warning sign telling everyone that this airport is already overburdened and you shouldn't do more."
The bipartisan Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization is a big win for travelers, the aviation workforce, and our economy. It also builds on my administration's efforts to improve the travel experience for airline passengers, affirming the Department of Transportation's rule that mandated automatic refunds when flights are canceled or significantly delayed."
Then we're going to find out what happened,
This airport handles a lot of people safely from around the nation ... around the world, and we want that to continue to happen,
Well, I think [that's] certainly a conversation to be had,
Bowser told CNBC, according to The Hill Of course, we've added technology to it,