[the Chinese naval group are] operating well within the balance of international law, following the conventions from the UN those are the same conventions, the same laws that we uphold and expect to be upheld for us when we are moving around the world as well.
This is Chinese warships imposing themselves on our commercial airspace and that’s why I come back to that question for the PM – where’s his limit?”
They notified a live firing exercise but with very short notice, which meant that was very disconcerting for planes that were in the air,
Calm and consistent dialogue with China enables us to progress our interests and advocate on issues that matter to Australians,
As happened yesterday, the Chinese Task Group advised via radio channels of its intent to conduct live firing,
China did comply with international law and that's important to not suggest that that wasn't the case,
When we do an activity of this kind, we would typically give 12 to 24 hours notice,
I don't think we have a satisfactory answer from China in relation to this,
What happened yesterday was that the notice that was provided was very short,
They [China] did so with very little notice and that was the issue that was very disconcerting for the airlines involved,
This is more about disruption caused rather than risk,
This was very disconcerting for the planes, ... which had to change course
[China] did not inform Defence of its intent to conduct a live-fire activity and has not provided any further information,
When Australia, for example, does a live-firing event such as this – which countries are entitled do on the high seas and that’s where this task group is, they’re in international waters – we would typically give 12 to 24 hours’ notice, which enables aircraft that are going to potentially be in the vicinity to make plans to fly around,
As a precaution, we have advised airlines with flights planned in the area,
The exercises were conducted in a safe, standard, and professional manner at all times, in accordance with relevant international laws and practices,
By that I mean a broadcast that was picked up by airlines or literally planes that were commercial planes that were flying across the Tasman,
You are flying too close, you are very dangerous."
Whilst it was unusual to have Chinese warships in this part of the world, pilots often have to contend with obstacles to safe navigation, whether that be from military exercises, rocket launches, space debris, or volcanic eruptions. That being said, it’s a big bit of ocean, and you would think they could have parked somewhere less inconvenient whilst they flexed their muscles.”
The Chinese government has built a blue-water navy to project power into the Pacific region. They are now using gunboat diplomacy to test US allies like Australia,