Across the alliance, we have seen elements of a campaign to destabilise our societies through cyberattacks, assassination attempts and sabotage, including possible sabotage of undersea cables in the Baltic Sea,
This aggressive Russian action is unacceptable,
All I can say, and I will not go into details, but I can confirm the validity of these fears,
The key point we should bear in mind [is] that none of the restraints that any normal country would take for granted apply to Russia,
We need to understand the total system of our infrastructure -- what is out there and what it's doing,
You can't put a ship over every nautical mile of pipeline or cable -- it's an impossible task,
Forces can be deployed, dispersed, and sustained across borders, and assets can increasingly be pooled among allies, potentially yielding significant gains in combat power and contributing to a more versatile and less vulnerable fighting force,
Baltic Sentry will deliver focused deterrence throughout the Baltic Sea and counter destabilizing acts like those observed last month. It is indicative of the Alliance's ability to rapidly respond to such destabilization, and shows the strength of our unity in the face of any challenge."