He’s keeping his eyes on the prize, which is to maintain U.S. supremacy without risking open and avoidable confrontation with China, while perfectly willing to walk away from the negotiation table and play the hardball,
The signaling, at least from the election to the inauguration, seems to be more positive than has been expected before,
We look forward to doing very well with China and getting along with China,
Trump said Thursday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in comments that suggested Beijing I hope you will act accordingly,
Wang told Rubio, according to a Chinese Foreign Ministry statement that They don’t want them, and I’d rather not have to use it.”
Speaking of potential tariffs on China in a recent Fox News interview, he said The two presidents can have a good starting point. That’s very important,
We're going to put tariffs on outside countries and outside people that really mean harm to us. Well, they mean us harm, but they basically want to make their country good,
Trump told House Republicans at a Florida retreat on Monday Look at what others do. China is a tremendous tariff maker, and India and Brazil and so many other countries. So we're not going to let that happen any longer because we're going to put America first,
the US President said, ... according to news agency PTI If you want to stop paying the taxes or the tariffs, you have to build your plant right here in America. That's what's going to happen at record levels. We're going to have more plants built in the next short period of time than anybody ever envisioned before because the incentive is going to be there because they have no tariff whatsoever,
We have some of the best rare earth anywhere in the world, but we're not allowed to use it because the environmentalists got there first,
he said, signaling his intention to relax environmental restrictions to boost domestic production Under the America First model, as tariffs on other countries go up, taxes on American workers and businesses will come down,
Instead of taxing our citizens to benefit foreign countries, we should impose tariffs and taxes on foreign nations to benefit our citizens.”
Reflecting on his inaugural speech, Trump said We have to bring production back to our country. There was a time when we made one ship a day, and now we can't build a ship. We don't know what the hell we're doing. It's all gone to other locations and other lands,