President Trump has made clear that a key priority for his administration is driving transgender people back into the closet and out of public life altogether,
I'm thinking about the guys and gals in Guam, Germany, Fort Benning and Fort Bragg,
While some transgender troops do have surgery, the recovery time and cost is minimal, and is scheduled so as not to impact deployments or mission readiness,
The readiness and physical capabilities of transgender service members is not different from that of other service members,
Military training will be focused on the readiness of what our troops in the field need to deter our enemies,
Unit cohesion requires high levels of integrity and stability among service members,
We have to have a strong, strong defense,
We have been here before and seven years ago were able to successfully block the earlier administration's effort,
It can take a minimum of 12 months for an individual to complete treatments after so-called transition surgery, which often involves the use of heavy narcotics,
There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and Independent families, some who fear for their lives,
I’m standing with him right now, I look forward to working with him,
Her answers to the written questions were very hedged on it,
Whatever is needed at the border will be provided,
The President’s guidance (lawful orders) is clear: No more DEI at Dept. of Defense.” ... The Pentagon will comply, immediately. No exceptions, name-changes, or delays,