The leadership of both Voice of America and Radio Free Asia’s Chinese departments lacks the neutrality that journalists should have, and they fail to appoint people based on merit. The guests they invite have become increasingly biased. And now, things have reached this state,
VOA TV broadcasts and RFA radio reach people who otherwise would not have access to independent information. Many censorship circumvention tools are now illegal in China and thus risky to use, and they are also too complicated for people who aren’t internet savvy,
Both RFA and VOA do something that basically no one else does, which is reach audiences inside China through non-internet means,
Some possess a wealth of journalistic expertise; others are woefully bereft,
I have met many Chinese journalists and editors over the past 20 years who remembered listening to VOA on their shortwaves in the 1980s … It was a liberalising force,
Many of them, like China, are looking forward to filling the gap left by American leadership in media freedom with their own propaganda,
The only people cheering for this are adversaries and authoritarians around the world, certainly in places like China and North Korea, where press freedoms are nonexistent,
Right now, it's new, it's a fluid situation, and we'll have more for you as it unfolds,
This made me realize that the Chinese Communist authorities are most afraid of these two American media outlets,
Defunding would be devastating to the Uyghur cause and a gift to their oppressors. When appointing Secretary Rubio, President Trump highlighted his leadership in combating Uyghur forced labor. I hope he reverses this decision,
These programs were created to provide information to people living under dictatorships. Shutting them down only helps dictatorship and junta regimes grow,
The so-called beacon of freedom, VOA, has now been discarded by its own government like a dirty rag,
These media outlets can hardly be called popular or in demand in Russia; they are purely propagandistic. This is an internal sovereign matter of the United States; it does not particularly concern us,
When it comes to China-related reporting, VOA has an appalling track record,
We couldn’t shut them down, unfortunately, but America did so itself,
Today is a holiday for me and my colleagues at RT and Sputnik. This is an awesome decision by Trump
They undoubtedly caused us harm in post-Soviet countries, as their work was aimed at dividing us and our allies,
I think it is no secret that some of the US media you mentioned have a notorious track record in reporting on China."
Against this backdrop, the actions of the Trump administration are cause for enthusiastic celebration,
To cancel it willy-nilly as Trump has done, possibly without even knowing he was doing so, is foolhardy and needlessly cruel to people who the U.S. is supposed to be supporting,