ChatGPT and some of our APIs had high error rates earlier due to an issue with our provider. We've issued a fix and should be fully recovered soon. Thanks for your patience!”
Posting on X, OpenAI said The web server reported a bad gateway error."
Users who accessed the ChatGPT interface were met with a webpage showing the message Are you kidding me? ChatGPT is down? I was just working on my essay,
ChatGPT is down globally. Productivity is about to take a nose dive everywhere,
I cannot work like this. I am not working till it comes back online,
declared one dedicated user Since ChatGPT is down, Elon Musk will tweet about Grok today. Just wait and see,
Second brain just stopped working! ChatGPT is down! #chatgptdown"
An X user, expressing concern, wrote They don't actually have the money, ... SoftBank has well under $10B secured. I have that on good authority.”
Musk wrote on his social platform X Looks like ChatGPT decided to take a little zen time,
One user quipped ... capturing the mix of exasperation and humor shared by many Between 3:33 AM and 4:23 AM PST, customers experienced elevated error rates on ChatGPT and the API,
OpenAI stated in its status update, noting [We ... We] are currently working to implement a fix,
reads a note on the status page posted at 5:43 a.m.