Both were perpetrated as part of a widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population and pursuant to a coordinated state policy,
The commission has concluded that Russian authorities committed enforced disappearances and torture as crimes against humanity,
Testimonies of soldiers who deserted from the Russian armed forces indicate that there is a policy not to take prisoners but to kill them instead,
My client was more than surprised, outright outraged, because there was no evidence that he had killed any wounded persons or given orders to kill wounded persons,
Mr. Lampela said in a telephone interview It has not been possible to conclude from the evidence... that the Rusich unit or group was specifically responsible for organizing and carrying out the ambush and arson attack in all respects,
Another video of the alleged execution of unarmed Ukrainian soldiers captured by Russians is circulating on social media,
The video shows at least five allegedly killed prisoners of war. Once again, we see a cynical disregard for international humanitarian law on the part of the Russian army,