These types of programs do not make America stronger, safer, or more prosperous."
According to the state department under Trump administration We are blocking woke programs. And we are exposing activities that run contrary to our national interests,
It’s going to put a lot of small businesses out of work,
US assistance programs, such as PEPFAR, deliver life-saving medicine, medical care, and combat hunger and starvation. These programs protect the health of Americans, bolster US national security, and build stronger economies.”
The chief executive of the Gates Foundation, Mark Suzman, said in a statement But WHO remains very concerned in regards to a funding halt for other parts of PEPFAR (the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief),
Development aid is longer-term work and that is still on pause,
said the source, who asked not to be named for fear of reprisals A funding halt for HIV programmes can put people living with HIV at immediate increased risk of illness and death and undermine efforts to prevent transmission in communities and countries. Such measures, if prolonged, could lead to rises in new infections and deaths, reversing decades of progress and potentially taking the world back to the 1980s and 1990s when millions died of HIV every year globally, including many in the United States of America,
the WHO said in a statement We were told to lay off all of our staff,
said Annie Feighery, the CEO of mWater, a US company that provides a free digital platform to governments and organizations around the world to help improve access to water The United States foreign aid industry and bureaucracy are not aligned with American interests and in many cases antithetical to American values."
The pause on federal funding is creating a tremendous amount of confusion, and we don’t have clarity about what happens from here,
said Fatimah Loren Dreier, executive director of the HAVI, a public health organization that specializes in stopping gun violence Being able to step in to be nimble and quick, not to replace the role of government, but just to show what’s possible and to continue to move progress forward when governments are not, is really important to Bloomberg Philanthropies,
said Antha Williams, who leads its environment program What made America great and what makes America great is generosity. And this is not a good move for America, and this is not a good move for humanity as a whole,
I really don’t know how they’re going to get through the winter,
Every day that goes by that the U.S. is not leading and meeting its obligations, whether contractual obligations or cooperative agreements or grants, we are actually hurting our national security,
Given the breadth of what’s just happened in the last week, it’s not as if other donors are only looking at gaps in reproductive health services now. They’re looking across the range of their development concerns,
He wants to be the president that reinstates U.S. influence around the world and also helps America prosper,
Widdersheim said, speaking of Trump If you want to review all of the assistance, start your review,
said Nicole Widdersheim, deputy Washington director at Human Rights Watch I never thought I’d wake up in the morning and be told that I’d be banned from going to work,
a health worker told a leading Johannesburg newspaper There are real concerns about the immediate impact of a stop-work order on foreign assistance,
said Esther Brimmer, James H. Binger senior fellow in global governance at the Council on Foreign Relations President Trump stated clearly that the United States is no longer going to blindly dole out money with no return for the American people,
read the statement from State Department spokesperson Tammy Bruce