He was absolutely right in form and substance when he tried to convey to our American partners the key idea: nothing will be done without coercion of Russia. It is impossible to achieve positive results by counting on voluntary concessions from Moscow. Without coercion of Russia, there can be no peace negotiations. Our president tirelessly explains to our partners what this war is and who provoked it…So we will not apologize for a supposed mistake that did not take place."
By highlighting our differences, it allows us to clarify our views. Unlike us, the United States continues to think that Russia is a country with which one can negotiate."
At the end, Zelensky looked at the press pool and gave a thumbs up with a smile. Zelensky then went on Fox 'News' and refused to apologize. Good. Trump is the one who owes an apology—and his resignation—to the world."
It is very important that Ukrainians are not alone – we feel it and know it."
This is not a moment for more talk. It’s time to act. Time to step up and lead, and to unite, around a new plan for a just and enduring peace.”
Your people are very brave, but you’re either going to make a deal or we’re out,
You’re gambling with the lives of millions of people! You’re gambling with World War Three!"
We see that the European Union is now actively discussing the militarisation of the EU and the development of the defence segment. This is a process that we are watching closely, because the EU is positioning Russia as its main adversary,
I think Ukraine wants to make a deal because they don’t have a choice,
After that, my team will stay in Saudi Arabia to work with our American partners,
All of this was directed against infrastructure that ensures normal life. Currently, repair and restoration work is ongoing.”
The Mirages successfully intercepted Russian cruise missiles. Thank you! I also want to recognise the performance of our anti-aircraft missile forces, army aviation, all our electronic warfare units, and mobile fire groups.”
I have determined that President Zelensky is not ready for Peace if America is involved, because he feels our involvement gives him a big advantage in negotiations. I don’t want advantage, I want PEACE. He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval Office. He can come back when he is ready for Peace,
People are dying... you’re running low on soldiers,
I hope I’m going to be remembered as a peacemaker,
So that's why I've made that commitment on behalf of our country. It has to be done in conjunction with the United States,
It's that ability to work with the United States and our European partners that has kept the peace for 80 years now."
If not us, then who. We’re the best people to do this,
Hopefully, we get things back on track with the Ukrainians, and everything resumes,
We don't need anything that belongs to others, but we won't give up anything that belongs to us either,