This is a strong and sovereign country, and it will always be a strong and sovereign country,
When president-elect Trump talks, we need to listen and we need to take him very seriously. I never take his threats lightly, but at the same time we can't take the bait,
I will be solely focused on the real economic threat that American tariffs represent to the Canadian economy and to Canadian workers. It's a full-time job and I'm lucky to have it,
I don’t think everybody should be overreacting to this at this moment,
(LeBlanc's) decision to stay on is an intellectually sound one, it's an important one to keep stability in the country in a time where thousands of jobs could be at risk if Mr. Trump goes through on the imposition of tariffs. That will be our number 1 focus,
Certainly we’d like to have less uncertainty in the federal government right now,
It's silly, it's unbecoming of a president to say that, but we do have to take it seriously and we will continue to do that,
Unfortunately, the president-elect has become enamoured with the line and he is almost just reverting to it in an unconscious way,
He's not and we are taking it seriously and we will respond seriously as well,