Iraq's new law allows clerics to set marriage age under Islamic law, making it possible for girls as young as 9 to marry. This is a horrifying assault on children's rights and human dignity. The world must unite to end child marriage."
Without a vote, the House of Representatives passes the Personal Status Amendment and General Amnesty Laws. No hands were raised in approval and the vote passed. Members of the Presidency and members of the Council left the hall because of these farces."
This violates their right to life as children, and will disrupt the protection mechanisms for divorce, custody and inheritance for women."
[The ... The laws are] an important step in the process of enhancing justice and organising the daily lives of citizens."
When a dispute occurs between the spouses regarding the doctrine according to whose provisions the marriage contract was concluded, the contract is deemed to have been concluded in accordance with the husband's doctrine unless evidence exists to the contrary."
We have reached the end of women’s rights and the end of children’s rights in Iraq."
The fact that clerics have the upper hand in deciding the fate of women is terrifying. I fear everything that will come in my life as a woman.”
We received an audio recording of a woman crying her eyes out because of the passage of this law, with her husband threatening to take her daughter away unless she gives up her rights to financial support.”
The Iraqi state has never witnessed a decline and profanity that harmed Iraq’s wealth and reputation as we are witnessing today.”
I am not shocked. But this is not the time for tears nor surrender to barbaric decisions.”
Half of the lawmakers present in the session did not vote, which broke the legal quorum,
Regarding the civil status law, we are strongly supporting it and there were no issues with that,