Since the end of Hassan Rouhani's presidency in 2021, Iran has increasingly relied on threats and the use of its nuclear program as leverage,
Alongside pro-Iranian groups in Iraq, the Houthi rebels are one of Iran's last active proxy groups in the region,
We don't know exactly what the letter says. But the signals from Tehran are contradictory,
Iran is the only non-nuclear weapon state enriching to this level, causing me serious concern,
While Khamenei continues to reject direct talks with the US, Tehran apparently wants to keep the door open for indirect negotiations,
There are two options: military action or a negotiated solution,
If this strategy is continued, there could be a further escalation. However, such a step would be extremely risky. But it cannot be completely ruled out,
Based on the talks in Iran that I am following, it seems some decision makers in Tehran want the Houthis to react to any US attack with a firm response and not show weakness, ... In their eyes, Tehran would lose its strategic counterweight against the US in the event of a military defeat of the Houthis. And the next stop could be a direct attack on Iran."
(The ... The U.S.) is threatening Iran and hitting Yemen. Now all scenarios are possible. We will do what they will do to us. If they are hitting us from (U.S. aircraft carrier USS Harry S.) Truman, we will retaliate by hitting Truman,
There will be no talk of any dialling down of operations before ending the aid blockade in Gaza. Iran is not interfering in our decision but what is happening is that it mediates sometimes but it cannot dictate things,
Now we see that Yemen is at war with the U.S. and that means that we have a right to defend ourselves with all possible means, so escalation is likely."
If any aircraft or base is used against us then we will escalate and we will defend ourselves, but if they (Gulf states) continue to be neutral we will stay away,
This campaign will be relentless to degrade their capability and to open up shipping lanes in the region and to defend our homeland,
We have always declared — and we declare again today — that the Yemenis are an independent and free nation in their own land, with an independent national policy,
Successive U.S. administrations have failed to stem the flow of Iranian support to the Houthis and the growing Iranian influence over them,
We warn our enemies that Iran will respond decisively and destructively if they take their threats into action,
Iran strongly and categorically rejects any accusation on the violation of relevant Security Council resolutions on arms embargoes in Yemen or involvement in any
While committed to its obligations to international peace and security, the Islamic Republic of Iran will resolutely defend its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national interests under international law against any hostile action,
We will not allow Trump to support the Zionist enemy in its crime of killing the people of Gaza with hunger and thirst,
We are not those who can withstand threats and intimidation. Any American escalation in service of the Zionists and the Zionist lobby will be paid for by the American citizen, who pays taxes and incurs increased shipping costs as a result of the Trump administration's foolishness."