The content of the letter is not far removed from Trump's public statements and repeats the same talking points,
All options are on the table, ... If Iran doesn’t “hand over … the missiles, the weaponization, the enrichment” of nuclear materials, “they can face a whole series of other consequences.”
If Iran wants a deal, the path starts with ceasing its escalatory nuclear activities, fulfilling its safeguard obligations, building international confidence and allowing the Agency to provide assurance that its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful,
The United States government has no authority, or business, dictating Iranian foreign policy. That era ended in 1979,
We have capabilities [but] the U.S. has better ones,
If Tehran doesn’t end its support for ... America will hold you fully accountable and, we won’t be nice about it.”
If the aim of talks is to lift the sanctions, negotiation with this U.S. government … will not remove them
It is Iran that has repeatedly funded, resourced, trained and helped the Houthis target not only U.S. warships, but global commerce, and has helped the Houthis shut down two of the world’s most strategic sea lanes,