We have a deficit with Mexico of $350 billion.”
We are glad to see an American president take aggressive action on ending the free trade disaster that has dropped like a bomb on the working class,
This is a day where the United States stopped seeing trade as force for mutual benefit, and began seeing it as a tool of economic warfare,
A fight with Canada will have no winners,
The political ramifications of it were probably as big or bigger than the economic ones,
There is going to be significant disruption to regional economies,
We’re sitting on a lot of a lot of projects that we can’t otherwise do as a result of just the threat of the tariff,
Trump’s trade war will seriously hamper U.S.-Canada relations and severely upend North America’s highly integrated production and supply network, possibly with lasting impacts on both economies,
Right now, the tariffs are putting everybody off balance because of their unpredictability and uncertainty,
I’ve talked to multiple companies that are saying, ‘We’re not moving forward with any investment. We need this to be settled,
Past trade agreements simply don’t mean much if the president can unilaterally violate them and impose tariffs with no checks at all,
It creates an enormous amount of uncertainty for multinational companies that sell products worldwide, that import from the rest of the world, that run these complex supply chains through multiple countries,
Customers are pausing on new orders as a result of uncertainty regarding tariffs,
For now, we have no plans of adding more shelving or space for new items, we will stick to the footprint we have,
Developers of commercial projects like high-rises and hotels budget two years in advance, so they don’t account for new tariffs,
The tariffs will be devastating for small businesses like ours,
That construction budget is now under review and may likely be delayed ... as I recalculate costs that have already been budgeted,
We’re going to be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s — relatively speaking — not very expensive, compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in.”
I’ve decided for purposes of fairness that I will charge a reciprocal tariff,
If you don’t make your product in America, however, under the Trump administration, you will pay a tariff and in some cases a rather large one.”