So, I think those traditionalist, atlanticist Republicans are concerned about what is going on, the problem is that they're not willing to put their head above the parapet and the reason for that perhaps is because so openly, so boldly, so blatantly, people like Elon Musk have said that they will put money towards others to effectively boot them out of the Republican party, make sure they lose their seats in primaries if they are to speak out against Trump. That is the state of things right now."
This is a victory for common sense,
The Treasury Department will further be issuing a proposed rulemaking that will narrow the scope of the rule to foreign reporting companies only,
The economic menace of BOI reporting will soon be no more,
I sincerely ask you all to examine what expertise he has in medical devices…These are people’s lives that are on the line.”
Now he’s going after the elderly, the disabled, and orphaned children so he can pocket it in tax cuts for himself,
Elon Musk is not a scientist. He is not an engineer. He is a billionaire conman with a lot of money.”
We found just with a basic search of the Social Security database that there were 20 million dead people marked as alive.”
This guy is a leech on the public. No matter how many billions he gets in tax cuts and government contracts, it will never be enough for him,
Do you actually write these or am I replying to your intern?”
If you want to start with waste, start with Elon’s defense contracts at the Pentagon,
They’ve trained people on the ground to be able to do this as well,
There have been some restrictions on travel for people that would normally respond (to outbreaks). So, I think that there are going to be difficulties sending the number of people in addition, people who might normally have dealt with viral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks may not be able to do that. They’ve either been fired or they are not around to do that,
We won’t be perfect. But when we make mistake, we will fix it very quickly,
With USAID, one of the things we accidentally canceled very briefly was Ebola, Ebola prevention. I think we all want Ebola prevention. So, we restored the Ebola prevention immediately,