Elon Musk's involvement contributed to the AfD's growing visibility,
AfD's views largely align with those of Elon Musk, so they don't seem to mind his interference in German politics,
Much will depend on the popularity of the new government,
For now, it seems the firewall will stay in place, so no formal coalitions and cooperation with the AfD, no matter how big their group in the Bundestag will be. At least that's what Merz has claimed,
Except for the AfD, none of the other major parties responded favorably to Musk's interventions during the campaign, and I do not expect this to change in the immediate future,
Dr. Matthias Dilling, a professor of political science at Trinity College Dublin and a co-convenor of the German Politics Specialist Group, told Newsweek We saw the horrors wrought by these decisions yesterday in this very city. How many times must we suffer these appalling setbacks before we change course and take our shared civilization in a new direction?"
He was also harsh on Germany's immigration policy in the wake of the asylum-seeker car attack that injured two dozen people, telling attendees It's good to be proud of German culture, German values, and not to lose that in some sort of multiculturalism that dilutes everything,
Musk told listeners at the rally, less than a month before voters went to the polls We want to have very good relations with our European neighbors, ... But we also want to have very good relations with the major powers. This includes Russia."
I have no illusions at all about what is happening from America. Take a look at the recent interventions in the German election campaign by Mr. Elon Musk.”
Merz told supporters at a party event in Berlin on Sunday night Germans have voted for change,
We'll have fresh elections — I don't think we'll have to wait another four years."
We are now the political center and we have left the fringes behind us,
The world out there isn't waiting for us, and it isn't waiting for long-drawn-out coalition talks and negotiations,
he told cheering supporters We have seen the center is weakened overall, and everyone should look at themselves and ask whether they didn't contribute to that,
It won't be able to implement it with left-wing parties,
We have fundamentally different views, for example on foreign policy, on security policy, in many other areas, regarding Europe, the euro, Nato,
Let's celebrate tonight and in the morning we'll get to work,
I am very afraid of this shift to the right,
said retired teacher Hilke Reichersdorfer, 71, wearing a red scarf outside SPD headquarters After Donald Trump's statements in the last week it is clear that the Americans are largely indifferent to the fate of Europe,
Merz said in a post-election TV debate In time, we will get there,
said a smiling Stephan Möller, a senior figure and elected official in the Thuringia branch