The mineral deal is not enough on its own.
This is the worst statement that could have been made by Zelenskyy, and America will not put up with it for much longer
It is what I was saying, this guy doesn’t want there to be Peace as long as he has America’s backing and, Europe, in the meeting they had with Zelenskyy, stated flatly that they cannot do the job without the U.S.
Honestly, I do not understand calls for President Zelenskyy to resign in the middle of an existential genocidal war,
The only international pressure that could possibly force Zelenslyi to resign is a pressure from America.”
If they replace me, given what is going on, given the support, simply replacing me will not be simple,
Amongst the many news lines in these answers to @SkyYaldaHakim, Zelenskyy doesn't mince his words in responding to Lindsey Graham's call for him to quit. 'He can become a citizen of our country and then his voice will start to gain weight, and I will hear him, as a citizen of Ukraine, on the topic of who must be the president.'
Unfortunately, until there is an election, no one has a voice in Ukraine."
I have tried very hard to maintain support for the efforts of the Ukrainian people to repel the Russian invasion and have expressed admiration for President Zelensky's leadership during the most difficult times. I, like so many others, can only give advice. It's up to President Zelensky to determine whether or not to take it."
On This Week, I reaffirmed what POTUS [President Of The United States] has said—the war in Ukraine is horrible, and he wants it to end. Right now, President Trump is the only person on Earth who has any chance whatsoever to bring about an enduring and lasting peace."
It is obvious we don't feel like it was a good visit and I'd prefer it never happened rather than seeing what a s*** show was prepared for us. I feel like it could indeed be a kind of ambush since Trump needs someone to blame for his promises he can not deliver,
Offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who's trying to save your country,
We are absolutely clear that we may potentially lose on a battlefield, but we would rather die trying to save the nation and the state, rather than just giving up in the oval office or other cabinets, and then being destroyed quietly by Russians behind the curtains,
Unfortunately international law does not exist any longer, traditional diplomacy is dead, global leaders guarantees have no meaning, treaties signed can be ignored and burned to ashes, this is the reality but it does not mean that Ukrainians are ready to give up our values and honor,
We have to bring about an end to this war in Ukraine. Putin is the aggressor,
President Trump is the only figure on the entire globe who is powerful enough to bring both of these parties to the table. But President Zelenskyy went in and blew it up. And it is such a great disappointment for everyone.”
President Zelenskyy, instead of showing gratitude — he interrupted and berated his hosts at a very perilous time for his country. He should have been anxious, I think, to enter into this agreement,
The way I view this is that China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are engaged in a new axis powers, and they are not on America’s side,
We need to get him back to the table, we need to get Ukraine to express gratitude, of course, for all that we’ve done for them,
I think Senator Murkowski’s view on this is plainly wrong,