To the best of MITRE’s knowledge and belief, the research data that was compiled has not been deleted and is currently maintained by a former partner on this contract. Department of State has been made aware of data disposition,
The State Department does not hold the data for the Conflict Observatory. The data resides on a platform owned by MITRE as part of the program,
The funding has been cut based on the assessments that we’ve been making regarding what was defining work within our framework of what was in America’s interests,
Yale HRL’s funding has been terminated and the status of the secure evidence repository is unknown. This vital resource cannot be lost,
Following a review, the U.S. Department of State decided to terminate the foreign assistance award supporting the Ukraine Conflict Observatory,
President Trump promised to work closely with both parties to help make sure those children were returned home,
The president of the most powerful country in the world, saying, I'm going to do something here... I think that's a pretty good, clear indication that we can still work on issues that matter and make them happen without it being in a certain structure that has existed,
Putin has stolen tens of thousands of children from Ukraine from their families and communities. We can't abandon them. We have to support every effort to bring these children home."
Certainly a stupid mistake, but unlikely it is a war crime. If it could be shown that the purpose of deleting the database was to sabotage the investigation it might then be possible to charge it as a crime of obstructing justice. But even obstructing justice is not a 'war crime.'
Researchers at the Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL) were notified recently that government funding for their work on the war in Ukraine has been discontinued."
Our government is providing an essential service – one that does not require the transfer of weapons or cash to Ukraine – in pursuit of the noble goal of rescuing these children. We must, immediately, resume the work to help Ukraine bring these children home,
These egregious, openly acknowledged violations of the rights of children afforded under international law demand consequences,
They took $26 million of U.S. taxpayers money used for war crimes data and threw it into the woodchipper, including the dossiers on all the children,
We have reason to believe that the data from the repository has been permanently deleted. If true, this would have devastating consequences,
If you wanted to protect President Putin from prosecution, you nuke that thing. And they did it. It’s the final court-admissible version with all the metadata,
This data is absolutely crucial to Ukraine’s efforts to return their children home,
Any State Dept. related inquiries need to be answered by the Public Affairs Office at the Dept. of State,
The abduction of children strikes a nerve that I hope will help awaken more Americans to the horrors of the Russian invasion and occupation of parts of Ukraine,
Capturing the version of a digital artifact’s metadata at the time it was deemed relevant to an alleged crime is the basis of being able to admit it in a court of law,
This vital resource cannot be lost,