Poland will support Ukraine as it has done so far: organisationally, in accordance with our financial capabilities, in terms of humanitarian and military aid,
We must show that we are capable of much greater investment in our defence capabilities,
People weren’t ready to accept it at the time, its feminism,
It risks the worst of all possible worlds: a kind of stagflation,
A process towards peace is not a one-meeting thing.”
I will never accept any decisions between the United States and Russia about Ukraine. Never. The war in Ukraine is against us, and it is our human losses.”
Any role in helping to guarantee Ukraine's security is helping to guarantee the security of our continent, and the security of this country,
What Ukraine requires is security guarantees in the event of Russia trying to invade again in a few years’ time if there was an imperfect peace,
Because of the acceleration of the Ukrainian issue, and as a result of what US leaders are saying, there is a need for Europeans to do more, better and in a coherent way, for our collective security,
There's no way in which we should open the door for this Russian fantasy of a new, indivisible security order,
The G7 is the group of the most advanced great democracies,
They give important tactical and strategic details which, if leaked, would enormously benefit the Russians ahead of talks,
I'm of the school of realism, I think that's not going to happen."
If the goal is to achieve sustainable peace, for sure, you have to get civil society on the table,
There is a difference between a ceasefire, which can be violated just in an hour, and getting a sustainable peace, which provides a freedom to live without fear of violence,
Nothing's been finalised yet,
The heads of government of Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands and Denmark" will be attending the "informal meeting
General Kellogg [the US envoy to Russia and Ukraine – ed.] has presented to me personally and to the circle of European allies, the United States’ negotiating tactics... I will not reveal them here. They raise some hopes. They are unorthodox, but we wish them luck."
Most democratic countries hold elections in their wartime. I think it’s important that they do so. That’s the beauty of a solid democracy, you have more than one person who could run.”
If the US wants us to step up in defence, it should have a national component, a Nato component, but I also believe a European EU component, EU subsidies for the defence industry to build up our capacity to produce, but also an EU force worthy of its name.”