What no democracy — American, German, or European — will survive is telling millions of voters that their thoughts and concerns, their aspirations, their pleas for relief are invalid or unworthy of even being considered,
Friedrich Merz must brace himself now,
We doubled our results in three years and took a major milestone yesterday!"
Does that sound like Hitler to you? Come on!”
Why this hatred? We work, and we established ourselves. We are not a burden on society, so why this hatred? We love the German people,
No party truly represents me,
We now miss the days when Mrs. Merkel was in charge of the government,
I am anxious. Of course, the conservatives won't build a coalition with them but they will have a big name as opposition and I am worried about this,
We hope that the party that has taken over will have mercy on the people — not just refugees, but all German citizens,
If there were an AfD party in my country, I would vote for it,
All the other parties said to give more money to Ukraine and weapons,
I’m a white person, so it’s fine for me,
I don’t go into the city in the dark alone anymore,
The biggest challenge of all is going to be forming a stable coalition that also has the strength to cut the AfD down to size,
This is really the last warning to the political parties of the democratic centre in Germany to come to joint solutions,
For a just peace, the attacked country must be part of peace negotiations,
We must work together to see that we solve the problems in Germany” in order to “gradually deprive this party of its breeding ground
Europe stands unwaveringly by Ukraine’s side. Now more than ever, it holds true: We must put Ukraine in a position of strength.”
Except for the AfD, none of the other major parties responded favorably to Musk's interventions during the campaign, and I do not expect this to change in the immediate future,
For now, it seems the firewall will stay in place, so no formal coalitions and cooperation with the AfD, no matter how big their group in the Bundestag will be. At least that's what Merz has claimed,